<p>Ouriginal is the replacement tool for TurnitIn. Although the main functionalities are the same, the previous tools Grademark and...</p>
Tag Archive for: assignment
Educational Tools: Questions related to privacy and security
, Educational tools, all tools, assessmnt, assignment, assignments, collaboration, communicationprojects, conference call, downloads, feedback, fieldwork, interactive courses, lb, overview, peer, polling, practice, software, Surveys, tools, videos, virtual classroom
<p>The workgroup Educational Tooling is working on an overview of all the different tools that are currently being used,...</p>
Before setting up an assessment structure
, Assessing assignments & Grading, assignment, folders, setting assignments, submission folders
<p>Brightspace supports modern learning methods and one way it proves itself is through the variety of assessments that can...</p>
Assignment Type: Observed in Person
, Adding course Content & Activities, assignment, assignment submission folders, automatic, learner, manual, observed in person
<p>This form of assignment in Brightspace is meant for scoring and evaluation of a learning activity such as demonstration,...</p>
, Assessment tools, assignment, Brightspace integrated tools, check, comment, due dates, feedback, grade, GradeMark, grading, match, originality, Plagiarism, similarity, start dates, turn it in, Turnitin, turnitin assignments
<p>Since August 2021 a new plagiarism detection tool, Ouriginal, is in use at the TU Delft. In consequence of...</p>
Create Assignments
, Adding course Content & Activities, activities, add, assignment, assignments, create assignment, creating assignment, grade assignment, submission folders, submitting
<p>Assignments are a common activity in many courses and can be set-up in Brightspace. With this functionality students can...</p>
Create Assignments for groups
, Collaboration & Communication, assignment, collaboration, communication, group assignment, group exam, group paper, group submission, interaction, submission folders, submissions
<p>Groups created in Brightspace can be used to let students work together and submit assignments. This page explains how...</p>