Educational Tool Advice overview

Educational Tool Advice overview

The Advisory Committee Educational Tooling has created an overview of all the different tools that are currently being used in TU education. For each tool, which is not all centrally procured and supported, advise on data responsibility is provided. The goal is to give advice on potential privacy and security risks, how to mitigate these, and/or what possible alternative tools can be used.

The list below is an overview of the tools currently being used in education by the TU Delft lecturing population. In phases, these tools will be examined on privacy & security aspects to provide good advice on their use. So for now, please use the tools which are centrally procured and supported by the TU Delft.

In creating this overview a few criteria are used to assess the different tools. For an explanation of the impact and importance of these aspects, go to this separate page Education Tooling: Questions related to privacy and security.

For additions, feedback, and suggestions, please email

The rapid pace of changes in educational tooling and advice challenges our current capacity available. Our website therefore may not always be as up-to-date as we would like. Thank you for your understanding.
Last updated: 23 July, 2024
For the list of centrally supported tools at this moment, please see:
Color Explanation
Green light Positive advice on privacy and/or security, these are generally the tools centrally procured and supported by TU Delft.
yellow light Preferably not used, but can be used under specific conditions (some of these conditions will be added later).
red light Negative advice on privacy and/or security. Using this tool might result in liability issues and a fine.
Not (yet) determined.

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