Viewing your grades (for students)

Viewing your grades (for students)

Category: Help for Students

Students can easily check their grades as soon as they are released in Brightspace. See below for details on the two options available:

  1. Go to the Course in Brightspace of which you want to see the Grades.
  2. Click on Grades in the Course menu.

This page will give you an overview of all the grades for the different submitted assignments.

Here you can have an overview of your progress as well as your grades.

  1. Click on your name at the top-right corner and select Progress from the drop-down menu.
  2. Once on this page, click on Grades.
  3. For those assignments that have been graded with a Rubric, it is possible to see the Rubric, by clicking on View graded rubric. This tab will give you a detailed overview of your grades per assignment, including feedback and completion of exercises.Additionally, students can use the Pulse App to quickly keep track of their grades.

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